Dynamic Optimal Scheduling of Hydro System in Day-Ahead Market for Electricity.
The owner of a cascading hydro system in the Northeastern United States retained TCR to develop the mathematical formulation, algorithms and prototype software for dynamic optimal scheduling of the operation of the hydro system in the day-ahead market for electricity. The optimization accounted for essential relationships between the river and reservoir hydrology, efficiency curves of individual turbines,
operational and environmental constraints. 2018.
Marginal Carbon Emissions Rate (MER) of Grid Electricity.
A major university in the Northeast retained TCR to prepare a study of the marginal rate of carbon emissions (carbon footprint) of electricity generated at their cogeneration facility compared to that available from the electric grid at the substation serving its campus . The university wants this information to inform the operation of its existing on-campus cogenerating assets as well as to help it develop a strategy for complying with its Climate Action Plan through the most economically and environmentally efficient mix of electricity from the grid and from on-campus resources. May 2018.
Alternatives to transmission line over the James River.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) retained TCR to identify alternatives to a proposed 500 kV transmission line over the James River in Virginia and to evaluate those alternatives using power flow simulations. TCR identified and evaluated four complementary, specific alternatives to the proposed line. Each alternative met all NERC Reliability Standards, was generally less costly and could go into service sooner. Virginia State Corporation Commission docket PUE-2012- 00029. September 2016 to present.
Expert Testimony Regarding Generation Loss Factors in Alberta.
In 2006 Dr. Tabors began providing Milner / Maxim, a major power generator, engineering and economic litigation support for its intervention in regulatory proceedings regarding the structure of generator loss factors allowed in the Alberta wholesale market. In 2014, the Alberta regulator ultimately accepted the methodology Milner / Maxim had proposed. Milner / Maxim have retained TCR to help them calculate and defend their claim for damages.
Expert Testimony Regarding Transmission Project Access to Public Right Of Way.
The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests retained TCR to present expert testimony regarding the eligibility of a proposed merchant transmission line to the rights of way New Hampshire established for regulated public utilities through legislation in 1931. Dr. Tabors explained that the developer of the proposed merchant transmission line was requesting a tunnel under a roadway rather than an easement along a public roadway, as contemplated by the 1931 legislation. In addition, he testified that the 1931 legislation did not contemplate the possibility of a for-profit company building and owning a transmission line. January to February 2016.
Long-Term Forecast of Wholesale Electric Energy and Capacity prices in Massachusetts.
The investor-owned electric distribution companies in Massachusetts retained TCR to develop long-term forecasts of wholesale electric energy and capacity market prices, renewable portfolio standard (“RPS”) compliance costs and demand reduction induced price effects (“DRIPE”) for capacity and energy. TCR developed those projections using ENELYTIX®1 , a cloud-based market modeling tool licensed from affiliate NEG. The distribution companies used those projections as inputs to the cost and benefit analyses of the Business Case components of the Grid Modernization Plans they filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. April 2015.
Expert Testimony Regarding Proposed merger of Exelon (BGE) and PHI (PEPCO).
TCR provided expert testimony on behalf of the Maryland Energy Agency in support of their opposition to the proposed merger. The basis of the opposition was the documented adverse effect the merger would have on the development of distributed energy resources in Maryland. October 2014 to March 2015.
Expert Testimony Regarding Duke Energy Ohio (DEO).
In 2012, DEO asked the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) to establish a state compensation mechanism which would enable DEO to recover the difference between its unit embedded unit cost of providing capacity services as a Fixed Resources Requirement (FRR) entity, net of energy and ancillary service revenues, and the capacity price it receives from the PJM RPM capacity market (RPM revenues). FirstEnergy Solutions retained Dr. Tabors to comment on the DEO request. Dr. Tabors testified that DEO’s request to collect additional revenues from Ohio ratepayers was in direct contravention to stipulations DEO had made to not do so, and that DEO was currently collecting the economically correct amount for its capacity. PUCO rejected the DEO request in its February 2014 Order in the proceeding. February to May 2013.
Expert Testimony Regarding Power Plant Development Contract.
The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana retained TCR to provide expert testimony regarding their liability under a contract with the developer of a proposed major solid fuel power generation facility. Dr. Tabors provided evidence that the developer had failed to provide key information to the tribe, had provided inaccurate, misleading information regarding the demand for generation capability in the state and had a conflict of interest. In 2016, a higher court remanded the case based on the trial judge’s refusal to admit TCR evidence. 2013.
In 2016, Newton Energy Group rebranded pCloudAnalytics (pCA) as ENELYTIX.