Who We AreTabors Caramanis Rudkevich (TCR) is an engineering economics consulting group based in Newton, MA. We provide consulting, simulation modeling and litigation support on a range of electric market design, market operation and asset valuation issues at both the federal and state level. TCR staff have provided these services to a wide range of clients including generation and transmission companies, Independent System Operators (ISOs) and Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs), distribution utilities, energy policy makers and regulators, efficiency program administrators, environmental groups and consumer advocates.
ApproachTCR brings a multi-disciplinary, quantitative approach to our analyses. Our team has a comprehensive range of technical, economic, financial and regulatory expertise. We apply state-of-the-art analytical tools and simulation models, in particular ENELYTIX®, a cloud-based electric market modeling environment, that TCR licenses from Newton Energy Group, its research affiliate. TCR provides analyses with rigorous results that withstand peer reviews and litigation scrutiny. We present those analyses and results clearly and convincingly to both technical and non-technical audiences.
ExperienceWe have analyzed the design and operation of retail markets throughout the US and are currently focusing on a range of “utility of the future” issues including market design, valuation of distributed energy resources (DER) and rate design. Our team members have provided litigation support and expert testimony on market behavior, contract arbitration, ratemaking and asset valuations at the Federal level, in arbitrations and state regulatory proceedings. We have prepared asset valuations of a wide range of electricity resources, including gas-fired units, wind units and energy efficiency programs.
ExpertiseTCR brings extensive experience gained over the past 40 years to its engagements. The senior members of our team have consulted on the design and operation of wholesale power markets in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Mexico.
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